Choir of Clare College / Brown, Timothy
1. Lumen Christi, Exsultet - Alexander Jupp
2. Bring Us, O Lord for chorus
3. Vigilia (All-Night Vigil), for chorus & soloists Ehtoohymni (Evening hymn)
4. Vespers (All-Night Vigil), for alto, tenor & chorus, Op. 37 Nyínye otpushcháyeshi (Nunc dimittis) - Nicholas Mulroy
5. O lux beata Trinitas, motet for 6 voices (SSAATB)
6. O choruscans lux stellarum, antiphon
7. O nata lux de lumine, motet (hymn) for 5 voices, P. 209
8. Te lucis ante terminum (Procul recedant somnia) (I), motet for 5 voices, P. 214
9. Hymn to the Creator of Light, for unaccompanied double choir
10. Hail, Gladdening Light, for double choir
11. Christe, qui lux es et dies
12. Nunc Dimittis, for chorus, H. 127
13. Christe, qui lux es, hymn for 5 voices (from Complete Hymns)
14. Nunc dimittis, motet for 4 parts (poss. spurious)
15. Strastnaya Sed'mista (Liturgy of Holy Week), for chorus, Op. 58 Svyétye tíkhii (Hail, gladdening Light)
16. Vesper Service, for chorus, Op. 52 Svyétye tíkhii (Hail, gladdening Light)
17. Lucis Creator optime, hymn for 5 voices (from Complete Hymns)
18. Lux aeterna, for 16 unaccompanied voices