1-01 Blutengel: Angels Of The Dark 4:59
1-02 Die In Winter: Cold Love (Exilanation Mix) 4:41
1-03 Amduscia: Melodies For The Devil 6:00
1-04 BOOB: Der Trieb Zu Fressen 4:37
1-05 Unter Null: Your Nightmare 4:48
1-06 [:SITD:]: Lebensborn (Autoaggression Mix) 5:40
1-07 The Retrosic: The Storm 5:41
1-08 Virtual Embrace: The End (Noise Pirate Mix) 5:15
1-09 Solitary Experiments: The Dark Inside Me 5:14
1-10 DavaNtage: Unholy (Suicide Commando Remix) 5:19
1-11 VNV Nation: Structure 4:10
1-12 Suicide Commando: Cause Of Death : Suicide (Grendel Mix) 5:30
1-13 The Azoic: Conflict (Combichrist Mix) 4:54
1-14 Aslan Faction: Soul Obstruction (Dioxyde Mix) 5:18
2-01 NamNamBulu: Perspective 4:47
2-02 Assemblage 23: Let The Wind Erase Me 5:17
2-03 Decence: There Must Be More 5:11
2-04 ReActivate: Dream In Silence 5:04
2-05 Human Decay: Workerboy 5:37
2-06 Usarian: Destination : (YOU) 5:20
2-07 Decoded Feedback: Phoenix 5:16
2-08 Autoaggression: Im Innnersten 4:31
2-09 Punch Inc.: Da Hunter 6:58
2-10 Contaminant: Hörsturz Am Montagmorgen 5:42
2-11 Mono No Aware: Fossa Magna 3:40
2-12 Faun: Egil Saga 5:06
2-13 Schelmish: Alleluia 3:37
2-14 Cornix Maledictum: Floret Silva 4:56